The 33rd Reflection.....

In our very deepest selves there is a mixture of needs that dwell in our most genuine self, both good & bad, clean & unclean. It can at times resemble an orchestra where each instrument represents a unique sound/need, but collectively form a symphony. The trumpet is not the oboe and must be played/mastered in a different way, neither is the tuba the same need as the tympanic drum. In our inner symphony, each need/instrument is tuned & mastered to play a song that first begins to resonate in our soul (just as when a deep need is met, we know it) and then overflow amplified by our spirit onto others and the world around us. It is often this overflow that unconsciously makes us attractive and/or magnetic to others, and as you overflow in one area, it often spills onto another.

Some needs can be independently satisfied and/or eliminated by how we conduct our lives, and we can change to maximize this. Some needs can be dependently met through our relationship with others, whether parents, siblings, close friends, or… that soulmate that cherishes the inner you, who thirsts just to be with you, to touch you, to know you and be known by you emotionally, physically, spiritually. Some needs can only be meet spirit-to-Spirit in an intimate relationship between you & God Almighty, and will never be met in any other way (John 4:24). It is here that He desires a clean & contrite heart, ie. an instrument ready to be tuned and played by the Master’s hand (Psalm 51:10,13)  As these deep needs are met, a unique symphonic tune overflows from your life to others in memorable ways. Understanding these needs, how they are met, and what your role is/is not in satisfying them will provide release, clarity & comfort, as doing your part is all you can do, and often all that is needed. This is a journey, not a sprint in life.

One suggestion is to find one area to overflow. Perhaps immersing yourself into that spirit-to-Spirit intimate relationship between you & God, carrying the baton of growth thru bible reading, prayer & fellowship with believers, perhaps teaching a Sunday school class or bible study. The more you bathe in His Word, the more your own spiritual needs will be met and you will overflow onto others. You can not control finding that soulmate, but you can seek Him Who knows all about her, and be shaped, molded, prepared & tuned by the Maestro to make music to serenade him. It is not simply by dormant want that your mate appears, rather by your readiness as an instrument to play a magnificent melody that calls him from afar… and he will be compelled to come into your overflow, in His timing. Your mate, wherever he may now be, will at times need & depend on the purity and inner beauty of your relationship to God, so dig the well before you need to draw the water. Your readiness is your part, your being won by your soulmate is His part.

When a need goes unmet, there is often that feeling of missing something or being incomplete, but can sometimes cloud the fact that it’s really not one need, but a collection of many needs that no one thing/person can satisfy. Sometimes it’s easier for us to do emotional profiling and velcro unrelated needs onto a central theme beyond our reach that may or may not be related. That soulmate, while refreshing, may not satisfy everything that feels/is incomplete, so take the time to unwind these individual needs and know what your part is/is not in meeting these needs now, it will only help later.


Anonymous said…
Had to read again! Great blog and full of knowledge for a soul seeking....

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