New Soul...

My soul said yes, to much pain, confusion and sorrow in 2009.  It kept telling me that it did not want to take on such things..but I kept telling my soul it was okay...that WE would be okay...

In hindsight, I should have listened to my soul more often. I should have felt the waivering, the bending, the pulling, the falling more...bruised yes...but all bruises eventually heal.

And now...on this 6th day in 2010, I am so much wiser...I am soul loves me let go of the grudge that it held against me for much of 2009.  

I promise to protect my soul more this year...I wont be over-protective nor extra-lenient...I will allow my soul to be what it is meant to be and do...


today my soul is more radiant than ever before...tomorrow even more so....


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